Products & services
  :: Consulting Services
    :: Shaping Quality Organizations
     - Valuing Work
     - Selecting, Developing &
       Motivating People

     - Managing Performance
     - Rewarding Performance
  :: Training Services
     - HR for Non-HR
     - Competency
     - Performance Management
     - Leadership
     - Job Analysis
     - Salary Management


Shaping Quality Organizations

Achieving strategic change requires more than redirecting focus and re-organizing structure. It is also about changing the organization's culture, values, processes and roles. HRM Consulting works to realize strategy through developing the culture, structures, jobs and processes necessary for organizations to compete effectively, reconcile the necessary changes and manage them to successful outcomes.

Linking Strategy to Organizational Design

Organization design is more than just structure - it is the integration of structure, processes, people, culture, systems and technology. HRM Consulting works with clients to design and implement organizations that deliver strategic vision and business results.


The review of the organization structure will analyze how work is organized within company on a macro level. The review will provide key insights into how business activities could be organized in order to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness, and how it can better support business strategy, particularly from a regional perspective. HRM Consulting will make recommendations to this effect, thus enabling company to structure its organization in a way that will best serve the business.

The Management of Change

Successful change management in today's dynamic business environment requires a careful alignment of strategies, work cultures and organizational policies and practices.

Culture Change

The need to shift culture is not limited to a specific industry or organization. Indeed, as organizations scramble to keep up with changes, many seek decisive cultural adjustments. The most effective work culture is one that supports the organization's strategy by aligning behaviors, processes, and methods with the desired result.

Total Quality Communications

Major change is usually impossible unless most employees are willing to help, often to the point of making short-term sacrifices. But people will not make sacrifices, even if they are unhappy with the status quo, unless they think the potential benefits of change are attractive and unless they really believe that a transformation is possible. Without credible communication, and a lot of it, employees' hearts and minds are never captured.

Employee Attitude & Customer Satisfaction Surveys

HRM Consulting enables companies to find out what their employees and customers really think, and by leveraging their extensive normative database, helps them understand the implication of these views. HRM works with clients to develop a complete survey strategy and methodology - from research and questionnaire design; to data collection, processing and reporting; to action-planning and implementation of changes.

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