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     - HR for Non-HR
     - Competency
    :: Performance Management
       Day One:

       >Opening-Concerns and Expectations
       >Performance Management Process
       >Motivating Work Climate
         (Four Circle Model, Organizational
            Climate, Managerial Style)
         >Performance Planning
         >Goal Setting and Action Plan

       Day Two:
       >Review of Day One
       >Performance Coaching
       >Performance Discussion
       >Performance Review
       >Performance Feedback

       >Pay for Performance
       >QA and Closing

     - Leadership
     - Job Analysis
     - Salary Management
  Performance Management

Participants:  HR Practitioners, Internal Consultants, Line Managers, Line Supervisors

Business solution has changed rapidly. Managing your people's performance has also changed dramatically. We are no longer talking about WHAT our subordinates have to deliver We are now talking about HOW our subordinates deliver. We are talking about making goal statement, about YOU as a manager/supervisor giving coaching to make sure that your subordinates achieve the target, and see what you can do to make sure that they succeed.

Performance appraisal has become a very small part of what we call Performance Management Cycle - a one year cycle that include Planning, Coaching, Reviewing and Rewarding. Then where is appraising? Yes, we will talk about appraisal, but we will talk in a more wider matter than just appraisal, it is Performance Management.

For two days, we will emphasize on:

  • Giving you an understanding of performance management process which support the setting and achievement of individual objectives, continuous process of communication and coaching between you and manager and/or supervisor with your subordinates, and employee's active involvement and commitment to fulfilling the expectations.
  • Helping you to understand the latest developments in performance management, which has transformed the process from "appraisal" form into a critically important managerial tool that drives the achievement of business objectives.
  • Introducing the concept of competency and see how competencies can be set as a major tool for making performance management processes more relevant and powerful.

So, if your organization or your management (that includes you!) is thinking of looking for a new approach to managing performance of your employees, this is the right program for you.

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