Products & services
  :: Consulting Services
     - Shaping Quality Organizations
     - Valuing Work
     - Selecting, Developing &
       Motivating People

    :: Managing Performance
     - Rewarding Performance
  :: Training Services
     - HR for Non-HR
     - Competency
     - Performance Management
     - Leadership
     - Job Analysis
     - Salary Management


Managing Performance

A key to the success of all organizations lies in ensuring that corporate purpose and strategies are translated into individual employee objectives and motivation. HRM Consulting works with organizations to develop processes for translating the two-way relationship between corporate objectives and employee goals, managing employees' performance improvement and conducting performance reviews.

Links to Strategy

"Raising the bar" of organizational performance requires an effective system of managing people and performance outcomes. To do this, we must shift from the traditional annual performance appraisal session, which sought to judge, towards a continuous performance management system which seeks to develop.

Performance Planning

This is designed to address the process which requires managers and employees to work as a team to: set goals and establish expectations; reinforce desired behaviors (They typically also discuss the individual's development plans) through continuous coaching and feedback; and review for performance.


Managers are responsible for securing results through people. Focusing on employee strengths and aligning talent with organizational needs drive success.  HRM Consulting will demonstrate how competencies can be communicated to employees so that they can see the competencies of their current job and compare these to other jobs in the organization, thus realizing other opportunities that exist and how they can work towards reaching them.

Training & Coaching

A continuous process of communication and coaching between manager and employee, aimed at developing individual performance and achievement of individual goals.  HRM Consulting helps the organization in providing employees with needed training that applies directly to the job. Performance coaching is one activity that enables supervisors' responsible for employee development to fulfill their obligations to individuals and their organization. To ensure transfer of expertise and for managers to understand the concepts and use of the system, HRM Consulting will conduct a Performance Management and Development training programme.

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